Australian Shepherd Black Lab Puppy

The Australian Shepherd Lab Mix is a mixed breed dog — a cross between the Australian Shepherd and the Labrador Retriever dog breeds. Medium in size, energetic, and loyal, these pups inherited.
Australian shepherd black lab puppy. australian shepherd lab mix pictures@YouTube. The Average price of Australian shepherd lab mix puppies. If you are looking to buy an Aussiedor puppy, you would need to pay anything from 400 $ to over 800$ for a well-bred puppy. Find a dog or puppy Suki is a people-loving, energetic 7 month old German Shepherd/Black Lab mix. She was adopted at 10 weeks by a young family that loved her well and took wonderful care of her. Unfortunately, they had a change in circumstances that make it impossible to keep her. They gave her back to us, where she was born. We promised to find her a good home. Caring for a vulnerable Aussiedor puppy is a big responsibility. There are some great guides to help you with all aspects of puppy care and training. You’ll find them listed on our Australian Shepherd Lab mix puppy page. Australian Shepherd Lab Mix Products And Accessories. All dogs need tools and toys, just like humans. Many Labs have coats that are solid colors, and Australian Shepherd can have a solid or multi-colored, speckled coat. The Australian Shepherd Lab mix will most likely result in mixed colors or a solid coat with a different color on the feet, tail, or chest. Common colors seen on these dogs are black, gray, and brown.
Australian Shepherd Breeders The Australian Shepherd is actually an all-American dog, bred to work on ranches out west. Independent and intelligent, they’re easy to train but tend to need a lot of exercise and an energetic owner, too. The Aussie Lab mix is a combination between the Labrador retriever and the Australian Shepherd. Most of the time, the common name for this species is the Aussiedor. But also different combinations of Australian Shepherd and Labrador are quite wide-spread (e.g., Aussie Lab mix, Labrador mixed with Australian Shepherd, etc.). Black Lab/shepherd mixed dogs often retain the best qualities of both breeds and look forward to daily exercise and training. The trick to training a black Lab/shepherd mixed dog is to engage the dog's brain through constructive, enjoyable training while also ensuring the dog receives adequate exercise. Hello! I’m looking for a 8 week puppy for this Christmas or winter time for my family. We are looking for a black lab / border collie mix, but we are also open to black lab / husky or shepherd or black lab / beagle mix. We already have a dog and we want a second one to add to our home. Looking for a male ideally.
Feb 14, 2020 - Explore Marsha Delgadillo's board "Black Australian Shepherd TRI" on Pinterest. See more ideas about Australian shepherd, Cute dogs, Puppies. The Australian Shepherd Lab mix is a very popular mixed breed dog. The Australian Shepherd Lab mix is a fantastic mixed breed that’s suited for “almost” any family. We say “almost” because this pup will definitely have a lot more energy than a standard Labrador. Labs are already very well known for their high energy levels. Keep in mind that the Australian Shepherd Husky mix’s purebred parents both shed seasonally. So twice a year your Australian Shepherd Husky mix will need his coat raked with a wire brush every two or three days. Because your Australian Shepherd Husky mix is such an active breed, he is going to need special attention given to his nails. Australian Shepherd-Labradors can take on the appearance of either parent, or are a mix of both. Therefore, your Lab-Shepherd mix may have varying colors, medium density coat, and the expressive eyes from both breeds. They are mid-sized dogs, with their weight ranging between 35 to 55 pounds.
Roskoe- 2 1/2 yr old Male. Australian shepherd Very sweet kind loving loves to cuddle.potty trained Neutered.also kennel trained Tobi- 2 1/2 yr male black lab/shepherd sweetloving potty trained neutered and kennel trained. Both have a XL kennel to take with them. Just want good loving homes. Dont have proper time to care for them as they need Australian Shepherd Lab Mix is a cross of an Australian Shepherd and a Labrador Retriever, also known as Aussiedor or Aussie Lab Mix. It’s a medium-size dog at about 22 to 25 inches tall, weighing between 40 to 80 pounds. The Aussie Lab Mix lifespan is around 9 to 12 years. A black Lab and Australian Shepherd mix will be a medium-sized dog. Australian Shepherds are typically 18-23 inches tall, and Labs are a little taller ranging up to 24.5 inches at the shoulder. Your mix could fall anywhere on this spectrum. German Shepherd Lab Mix is a cross of a German Shepherd and a Labrador Retriever, also known as German Sheprador or Labrashepherd. It’s a medium to large dog at about 22 to 26 inches tall, weighing between 55 to 80 pounds. The lifespan of this mixed breed is around 10 to 14 years.